Wednesday 14 August 2013

The importance of kegel exercising for men + how!

A couple of weeks ago I wrote about the importance of
doing kegel exercises for women - but did you know that it is just as important
to exercise the PC muscle group for men as well??

I'm going to go over the PC muscle group in the male body, why it is so important to
exercise these muscles, the effects and purpose of this muscle group and how
to properly strengthen them.

If you missed the Importance of Kegel Exercising for Women post, have a read

As you can tell from the photo below of exactly where the PC muscles lie in the male body, you can see that this muscle group preforms many functions:

The kegels, pelvic muscles or PC muscles as you may have heard them being called in the past are actually a group of muscles and fibers that perform a variety of functions called the Pubococcygeus Muscle.
PC Muscles are found in both men and women and span from the pubic bone in the front to the coccyx at the bottom of the spine in the back. These muscles support the pelvic organs and form the pelvic floor. 

For men, these muscles can weaken and stretch out becoming weak from physical sports (football & soccer for example), also from being overweight and with age - Same as women, minus the child birth part.
A weak, atrophied PC muscle is about a finger width thick and a healthy, strong one is about 3 finger widths in thickness.

When these muscles stretch out and weaken a variety of complications can arise including:

Both urinary incontinence and fecal (poop) incontinence are effects of weakened PC muscles since these are what control those sphincters. This is the reason that seniors wear depends - It can be prevented with the exercises that I will explain towards the end of the page. Many younger men dribble urine especially after going to the bathroom.

Erectile Dysfunction
A weakened PC muscle reduces blood flow to the penis causing weaker erections and in worse cases complete erectile dysfunction. These muscles (in conjunction with blood flow) are responsible for creating and maintaining erections. 

Premature Ejaculation
When these muscles are weak you lose ejaculatory control. When you lose ejaculatory control you blow far quicker than you intend to.

Decreased Sensitivity
The decreased blood flow to the penis with weak PC muscles drastically reduces genital sensitivity and also weakens your orgasms - even if your PC's aren't that weak, the stronger they are the stronger your orgasms will be along with any feelings down there. Knowing that you can have even better orgasms is reason enough for most men to start practicing your kegels!

**CAUTION:  Watch the bike riding.  Bike riding (on standard seats) can damage the pudendal nerve, which innervates these same pelvic muscles.  This is one of the reasons that bike riding is often associated with erectile dysfunction.**

You should also consider exercising your kegel muscles if you are experiencing
BPH (enlarged prostate). The over stress on the bladder leads to leakage after urination
and of course what fixes that?! Kegels to the rescue!! These stronger muscles will prevent that

Luckily, it is super simple to avoid the above issues by working out
the PC muscle group regularly. The problem is - So many men don't have a clue
of the importance of this issue. Hundreds upon hundreds of thousands of men will never hear
this helpful info that should be common knowledge until it's far too late and they are going to
the doctor to discuss the issues that they are having (and most likely have had for some time).
Even so, it is easy to start at any time.

How do I do my kegel exercises?

The great thing about kegel exercises as they are probably the easiest exercise to do because you
don't have to go anywhere to do it, you don't have to join a gym, you can do it anywhere and
anytime and nobody will ever know you are doing it! They are quick and easy to do as well.
The only trick for a beginner is exercising the proper muscles.

To find the right spot, simply cut the flow (or try to) while urinating.
**Do not use this method TO exercise, just to locate these muscles!**
While stopping your urine flow you should feel the muscles contracting at the base of the
penis and to a little above the anus at the perinium, some people call this area the "taint".
You can also find this muscle by contracting and making your penis move.

If you aren't sure if you have located the right spot, please don't be afraid to ask
your doctor - you can use Biofeedback to learn the proper muscles to use, he/she will insert
a small tool in to the anus (super small - it won't hurt!) and as you flex it will tell you if you are flexing
the right spot and at what pressure. It is super neat because you can get that checked at the
beginning, then further down the road go back and see how much stronger of a flex you have.

While women have all of these fancy products to help them with their kegelling,
men don't have much. I have seen a few contraptions that are massive and expensive
but they are not needed.

Once you have located the proper area, flex and hold for a count of 5 seconds, then release and relax 
completely for another 5 seconds. Perform 10 of these cycles 4 times a day - every other day. 

Each week, up the count of your reps in each cycle by 3 (so then 13 pumps 4X / day) as with any exercise 

You may find this very difficult to do at first, especially if  your muscles are quite
atrophied. Don't fear though, still work on it and start with holding for 3 seconds instead of 5.
The PC muscles respond quickly, so with continuing work you will notice improvement definitely.

Do not over do it. The method above is perfect and from the many many expert articles out there this 
is what the majority recommend. Over exercising is not helpful and can actually cause adverse effects so just do the proper exercising routine and methods above and you will achieve amazing results!

To be successful, it is important to be consistent with your exercise routine and not to give up. 
Try to find the same time to do these exercises every day or two. Do it in the shower, do it during
your drive to work. Try to make it your routine.
You should notice a change within about 4 weeks but may take up to 8 - 20 weeks of work depending on how atrophied your PC muscles are to notice a large change and to actually delay ejaculation as I am about to share how below.

You will notice a change in blood flow, erection firmness and no more leakage and prevention of these difficulties.

Using Kegels to Delay Ejaculation

Once your sex muscle has gained strength and you can hold a strong kegel for 10 seconds or more
you can try to delay ejaculation with a little known technique that works quite well with strong kegels.
Here's how:

~ When you are about to orgasm, once you hit the point of no return - the point when semen has started          moving through the penis and ejaculation is inevitable - do a kegel.

~ Hold the contraction roughly 10 seconds or more.

~ After the urge to ejaculate has subsided, release the squeeze.

This may take a few tries but works wonderfully once those muscles are worked strong. 
With all of the benefits in this article, the amount of pleasure doing your kegels can bring
and the embarrassment and undue stress not doing them can cause this should all
be common knowledge. I hope you will work on this and tell your friends!!
You could always point them to Sexy U if you don't want to get explicit or personal.

I hope I've helped inform you and I would love to hear your results! 

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