Saturday 28 September 2013

Big Life Changes...

I must apologize for the lack of fun posts and articles from me over the past
2 weeks.... I am changing a big part of my life - Doing a bit of an overhaul I guess 
you could say! I will announce my changes next week once the people it affects
directly knows first. I can't tell the public quite yet.
All in due time - Next week!

I just wanted to let you know that I absolutely have not forgotten about you all
and have lots of fun planned for Sexy U coming up!

Stay tuned for what's up!

Monday 9 September 2013

Ask Me Monday #7

Every Monday we randomly choose one question that has been sent
in during the week and answer it here, in Sexy U's Blog.

Do YOU have a question to do with sex, intimacy or wondering
if something you heard is true? All people have questions - why wonder when you can
simply ask a professional Sex & Intimacy Coach?!
Send in your question via inbox on the Sexy U Facebook Page or completely
anonymously in the provided box on the main page of the Sexy U Website
and we just might answer yours!

I would like to start off with an apology - Last week's Ask Me Monday was
non exsistant. Since I run 3 businesses of my own (& on my own) plus work part time and the fact that
I am awful with time management things just caught up with me!
It happens I guess - I try pretty hard to keep it all going smoothly! 
I have been working on a few custom orders for my 
other business I Made Creations that will be going to Europe, which is pretty 
exciting for me. I am pretty close to caught up now and should be back on the ball!
Thanks for your patience everyone :)

This week's question is:

So I've heard that if you get a small tear or cut in the anus,
it won't heal because of the moist and dark environment. 
Fact or fiction?

Great question!

    The lining inside of the bum is quite different than skin. It is also quite different 
    than the lining inside of the vagina.

    Directly beyond the anus - literally right  where your asshole closes, 
    your skin changes in to a specialized lining called the anoderm.
    The anoderm is very thin and unlike skin it has no hairs, sweat glands or oil glands
    and it contains a very large amount of sensory nerves that sense light
    touch and pain. 
    This explains why it is oh-so-sensitive when we try
    any sort of playing down there. We literally feel far more there than any other part 
    of our body. We do cut and lightly damage ourselves there more than a few times in our lives with hard craps or repeated diarrhea. 
    On occasion, rectal thermometers, enema tips, endoscopes and 
    quite commonly childbirth will cause tearing and some damage, along with 
    fingernails and other anal play.

    Anal wounds in moderation (small cuts & tears) will have no problem in
    healing at all however, there are a few things that will help healing to be faster.
    Like I had mentioned in the Importance of Kegel Exercising Post
    with atrophied muscles (since the PC muscle group spans from the pubic bone in the front all the way past the butt to the very base of the spine) you will have decreased blood flow.
    Decreased blood flow will prevent quick healing to any area down below - including
    in and around the anus.  The more you do your kegels, the more you promote
    blood flow and healing - just another big reason to work on those kegels!!

    It is quite the myth that inside the bum you wont heal well because of the darkness 
    and dampness. For example - The fastest healing area of your body is inside
    your mouth - another damp and dark place. 

    The main issue with a cut or tear in this area is due to lack of blood flow.
    Practicing your kegels & avoiding tightening the sphincter will help - some
    people naturally tighten their sphincter when they feel pain and that is a huge
    problem - just like a cut on a knuckle of the finger and then bending it, it
    opens back up. Being as relaxed as possible will help promote healing. 

    On the other hand of course, the ass is filled with all sorts of good and bad bacterias.
    Some people insist on using an enema before anal play to ensure a clean
    play session however, using an enema not only cleanses out the bad bacteria & poop
    but also the good bacteria & flora needed to promote healing. People that
    use enemas regularly tend to get more infections and have issues with healing,
    I dont recommend using an enema for that reason. 

    If you do get an uncomfortable cut, tear, anal fissure, epesiotomy or hemorrhoids:
      a good way to promote faster healing is using a sitz bath. A sitz bath is a small
    round tub that you fill with a few inches of water 20 minutes, 2-3 times per day.
    Alternating between cold & warm you can add a small amount of salt, baking soda
    or vinegar. This helps to keep the area clean and to promote more blood flow for
    faster healing. They are soothing as well.
    Alternatively you can just fill the bath a few inches.

    I hope that helps answering your question, dont worry - a bum cut will
    heal just fine as long as it's not too severe.